How Much Does it Cost to Repair Peeling Concrete?

Learn about what factors determine the cost of repairing peeling concrete such as size, type of repair, age, drainage issues and leveling.

How Much Does it Cost to Repair Peeling Concrete?

Once I notified the company of this issue, they responded quickly and efficiently, not only fixing the problem perfectly, but also doing a small leveling repair in an area that was beyond their responsibility. Over time, repair companies have been providing services to repair, restore and even replace foundations that have been splintering. FIXR provides cost guides, comparisons and term reference sheets for hundreds of remodeling, installation and repair projects. Depending on how many repairs are needed, you can easily see how the cost of repairing the foundation increases.

This can be an important service to repair it because weeds grow in and around concrete, causing cracks and damage. The problem with this repair method is that you cannot remove rust on the opposite side of the steel without removing it. The facing material is simply spread over the existing and chipped concrete surface to create a fresh and flawless finish. The table below highlights the most common repair solutions with the respective costs, followed by an explanation of each. The cost is determined by the size, type of concrete (stamped or basic) and the labor required for repair.

This infographic highlights decisions and site issues that can cause large cost variations in the typical concrete repair budget. If you ignore the flaking, it eventually spreads, compromising the integrity of the surface until it can't be repaired, leaving no recourse other than to tear it off and start over. The landscape is evaluated around the driveway to confirm that repairs will not lead to moisture accumulation and will increase future problems. Some factors that are the primary cost considerations of a contractor before providing an estimate include size, type of repair, age, drainage issues, and leveling. Older driveways can have extensive damage due to erosion, tree roots, and concrete decay, which costs more to repair.

What is not acceptable and can be avoided is surface cracking, called “shrinkage cracking”, and chipping due to poor design, placement and finishing of the mixture.