Repairing Cracks in Concrete: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to repair wide cracks in concrete with this step-by-step guide from experts! Find out what materials you need for repairing cracked concrete.

Repairing Cracks in Concrete: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wide cracks in concrete can be unsightly and damaging, but they don't have to be permanent. Repairing concrete cracks makes your doorway look better and, at the same time, protects it from the elements, such as rain, snow, dirt, etc. To repair cracks in a concrete floor, first make sure that the area is free of dust, grease and surface contaminants. For cracks below a quarter of an inch, specialists use concrete seals or a liquid-based concrete crack filler.

Before the driveway can be repaired, it must be thoroughly cleaned. A pressure washer is a great way to get rid of mold, mildew and dirt. Start by wetting the concrete to prevent the cleaner from drying out too quickly. If the concrete in the garage has been covered with oil and other automotive fluids, use a cleaner with a grease cutting agent.

The solution for concrete can be applied to both dry and wet surfaces, but stagnant water in voids, pits or pores must be removed before application. Concrete surfaces cannot be repaired with concrete. Instead, use a concrete repair mix; these are available at home centers and online. Options include epoxy compounds, latex patch material, and mortar mixes.

The latter option works best for filling large cracks (or chipped edges), while the other products are suitable for cracks in concrete inch wide or narrower. When professionals take care of the job, they use an excavator or skid steer loader with a jackhammer attachment or just an old-fashioned heavy-duty jackhammer. Mix the resurfacing much thinner than the concrete that was used to repair the cracks, making it to the consistency of the pancake dough. Unsightly cracks in concrete not only detract from the look of a garage or patio, but can also lead to additional problems as moisture seeps into concrete. Once cracks and other damaged spots have been filled, use the trowel to remove excess concrete and smooth the surface. It is good to mix the concrete patch compound, following the manufacturer's instructions and guidelines.

This is called “embedding” and makes the base of the crack wider than on the surface, allowing a safer and more durable repair. Please note that some cracks in concrete can be pre-planned. This is done to relieve pressure through the joints. However, they must be done the right way and they must be undetectable. Filling and repairing cracks in concrete is very important to avoid further damage. Cracked concrete should be replaced if it is due to the three conditions listed below.

Any patch material used to fill this type of cracks will only be a short-term solution. You definitely don't want to repair these cracks and then spend money on re-paving the concrete or making a decorative finish. To ensure that your repair job lasts for years to come, use Sakrete crack filler or foam tube sealant for larger gaps and holes. Designed for all types of joints and cracks where the maximum sealant depth does not exceed ½ inch, Sakrete crack filler is easy to apply and can be used to repair cracks, holes and gaps in concrete floors and walls. Although additional crack sealing methods can restore volume or offer absolute filling of a crack, the approaches described in this segment only cover the closure of cracks on the outer surface of the concrete material. It is simple and easy to apply and can be used to repair cracks, holes and gaps in concrete floors and walls. Although Sakrete crack filler can be used for cracks up to this size, it is better to fill large gaps with the foam tube sealant.

My problem is that my crack is not in leveled cement, so when I use self-leveling putty everything flows downhill. Concrete that is cracked only on the surface or that has fine cracks where both sides of the crack are still level can be successfully repaired. To ensure that your repair job lasts for years to come, use Sakrete crack filler or foam tube sealant for larger gaps and holes. Before we get into the discussion about repair or replacement, it is important to understand why concrete cracks in the first place. Although reinforcement of steel will help sustain it when strengthening a bridge, it is good for reinforced concrete to crack when it is too widespread than compressed.